09 July 2022
Maritime volunteer, Julie Corbett visits the Pearson Park at the Animal Magic summer event.
Throughout the year Hull: Yorkshire’s Maritime City Project has been popping up at several events in the city. You might have noticed the gazebo, picked up a free pen or postcard and asked about updates on the work. I caught up with Tom Goulder, Volunteer Manager in August, in Pearson Park at the Animal Magic Summer Event.

Pearson Park has undergone extensive restoration recently, using a three million Heritage Lottery Fund grant. Tom introduced me to Jane Winter who has overseen the engagement activity within the park following the completion of the physical works which began in late 2018.

Pearson Park is Hull’s oldest public park and was known originally as the People’s Park. It certainly was on this day, and I could not get a clear photograph of many of the features Jane described with great enthusiasm. Luckily, one of Jane’s favourite highlights is the Pearson Avenue entrance archway and gates. These was restored by Lost Art Ltd and I did manage to get a partial shot of them.

Both Jane and Tom were keen to mention the other Lottery funded projects involved that day. The Beverley Road Heritage Townscape Scheme had a stand for the National Picture Theatre there. You can read more about it here.
I was delighted to catch some of the attending staff on their lunch break wearing their lottery tabards.

A big surprise was how popular the Maritime jigsaw was with families. I had to wait several minutes to see it whole before someone broke it all up again.

I didn’t manage to see any of the real animals on my visit. It was too busy with people enjoying the attractions.
I did see some peacocks though.

And some rather fine lions with Queen Victoria.

I thoroughly enjoyed walking round Pearson Park at this event.