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Hull Maritime has delivered a community grant scheme,  designed to engage residents by exploring Hull’s maritime story through a project delivered by a community group or freelancer.

Since 2021, Hull Maritime has awarded community groups and projects funding to deliver activities that will engage with our local communities.


In 2021/2 we funded eight brilliant projects that all explored, celebrated, or protected Hull’s maritime story in different ways. The projects ranged from community litter picks that led to the creation of new sculptural works, to training volunteers to work on historic vessels, to funding transport for a maritime community reunion, to supporting ‘see shanty’ performances.

In 2023, the Maritime Community Grant scheme was even bigger, funding 13 projects. Round two reached a wide range of community groups and supported many varied and creative projects around themes of heritage, wellbeing and environment. Projects included local heritage research, the creation of information boards for a community greenspace, a podcast, maritime themed murals, a community dance performance and other creative events and activities with maritime themes.