16th November 2021
A group of volunteers who dedicate their time to the Hull Maritime project have become accredited White Badge Tour Guides.
Between May and October 2021, the group of 17 volunteers completed an intensive training and lecture programme to pass the Institute of Tour Guiding Level 2 accredited training programme. They are all now Institute of Tourist Guiding White Badge holders, qualified to lead guided tours to showcase Hull’s maritime history and provide updates on the progress of the Hull Maritime programme.
As part of the exam preparation volunteers delivered guided tours around the city. In August, 245 visitors took the tour over 12 days, every Monday and Wednesday with two additional Saturdays.
The seventeen volunteers are now offering further guided tours, every Monday up to and including 29 November, with 10.30am and 1.30pm slots to choose from. Book free places here.
As part of the guided tours, visitors discover more about Hull’s maritime heritage and how the exciting maritime project will take shape over the next four years, delivering a brand-new maritime experience. Stops include the exterior of the Hull Maritime Museum, the future location of the Arctic Corsair at North End Shipyard and the new location for the Spurn Lightship in Hull Marina.
Councillor Daren Hale, Leader of Hull City Council, said: “I am thrilled the volunteers have passed this respected accreditation. The dedication, and passion they have for the maritime project is wonderful. They are a credit to the city.
“They will now deliver White Badge tours for the city, showcasing our maritime history and the very best of Hull.”
Hull Maritime project volunteer, Sam Wright, said: “I can honestly say the ITG tour guide training for the Hull Maritime project has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding experiences of my life.
“Being able to connect people to the maritime history that surrounds them is a real privilege, and the opportunity to meet and work with my fellow guides has been fantastic. I now have a whole new group of friends because of this project, and I look forward to working with them all moving forward.
Carole Hiley, President Institute of Tourist Guiding, said: “Qualified guides are often the 'face' of a site, a city or a region to visitors, whether from the UK or overseas. The impression these visitors will take home will be the one given by their guide. I am delighted to welcome the Hull White Badge Guides to our family of qualified guides.”
The volunteer team are now busy planning and adapting the tour offer for the busy spring and summer period next year.