Here’s the latest update on the Hull Maritime Museum refurbishment.
We’re ten months into a 20 month refurbishment programme.
Simpsons have stripped out the original 1960s and 70s museum fixtures and fittings and the windows are being restored.

We're now in the process of creating new spaces, a lot of the old dividers, plywood and infrastructure are being taken out.
You can now really see the architecture of the building.

A lift shaft has been created for the new lift and staircase.

New spaces have been created on the second floor and visitors will have access for the first time. Visitors will also have the chance to go up into one of the domes that looks over Queen Victoria Square.

There is an extensive amount of work of refurbishment work taking place on the roof. The slate from the facade that faces Queen Victoria Square has been lifted off. Work will take place to re-roof that section and then the other sides of the building will be completed.

The three domes are also being restored. The one that looks over Queen Victoria Square is complete and the other two are in the process of being completed.
The lead has been stripped off and recycled, it was taken to a workshop in Leicester and melted and reshaped to be reused on the domes. There is no reason why domes cannot last another 150 years.